BRETT BAKER COLLECTION, The Vol. 3 - Quartets, Quartets

BRETT BAKER COLLECTION, The Vol. 3 - Quartets, Quartets
Availability Available
Published 24th January 2016
Cat No. JM73364
Price £14.99
Arranger: Brett Baker
Category: Quartets

A collection by Brett of 6 pieces arranged for trombone quartet.
Parts are included in Treble and Bass Clef.

Co0ntents :

01. JAZZ QUARTET No.1 by Franner Otter
02. PRAYER to ASCENSION by Jonathan Bates
03. THE LITTLE WALTZ by Martin Yates
04. BE STILL by Adam Waterson
05. WJISTLE STOP by Martin Yates
06. JAZZ QUARTET No.2 by Franner Otter

The Black Dyke Trombone Quartets

The Black Dyke Trombone Quartet:
Brett Baker first set up a trombone quartet in 2004 from members of the Black Dyke uombone section, since then this quartet has performed at over thirty events for the British Trombone Society and at the International Trombone Festival in the UK in 2006. Highlights include playing at the Royal Academy of Music in 2012 for the BTS National event, the Isle of Man Trombone Festival in 2012 and in the summer of this year featuring at The Singapore Trombone Festival.

The members of the group are Brett Baker, Paul Woodward, Garry Reed and Adrian Hirst Paul Woodward is from West Yorkshire and is Director of Sales Finance for Barclays Bank. He is a fifth generation salvatiorust and fourth generation trombone player and is the first ever Co-Principal Trombone in the history of the band. Garry Reed second trombone player for Black Dyke Band is a plumbing and heating engineer rrom Redcar in the North East of England and Adrian E-first bass trombone with Black Dyke is a civil servant working for the valuation office of Her Majesty's revenue and customs.

The Black Dyke Youth Quintet:
The current membership of the Youth group has been together for three years and was previously the junior quartet in 2014. They have played in various concerts and festivals for Black Dyke Band and the British Trombone Society, including venues such as Leeds Town Hall and Halifax Minster, they will feature in the Brunts School Trombone Festival in May 2015. Quintet members are: Hannah Stell, Gemrna Riley, Charlotte Horsfield, josh Barber and Harry Fonseca.

The Junior Trombone Sextet
The current Junior Trombone Sextet has been running for 18 months and have just recruited two new members. They will be featured in this year Black Dyke Bands festival at Leeds Town Hall and also feature on Brett Bakers new CD Radio City. Members are: Carl Ashworth, Joe Heartfield, Amelia Lewis, Ian Ashworth, Adam Warbuton and Sam Clough. The quartets in this volume have been played and performed by the Black Dyke Youth and Iunior Quartets.

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