FOR THE FALLEN - Parts & Score, Hymn Tunes

FOR THE FALLEN - Parts & Score, Hymn Tunes
Availability Available
Published 29th March 2015
Cat No. JM71972
Price £24.95
Composer: Karl Jenkins
Arranger: Robert Childs

Category: Hymn Tunes

Duration c. 4'30"

For the Fallen is a setting of Laurence Binyon's famous ode honouring the war dead, familiar from Remembrance Day services, including the lines "At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them."

In its original form for soprano voice, choir and orchestra the work received its premiere in the Royal Albert Hall on November 13th 2010 at The Festival of Remembrance, performed by Hayley Westenra, Choirs of Langham and Wimbledon Choral Society and the orchestra of the Coldstream Guards conducted by Lt Col Graham Jones.

In this setting for brass band, part of the poem is allotted to narrator, and The Last Post is incorporated into the score; initially featuring antiphonal fanfare cornets. This arrangement received its premiere in The Sage, Gateshead on November 17th 2014 performed by the Grimethorpe Colliery Band conducted by Robert Childs, and formed part of their winning programme entitled ‘Lest We Forget'.

The work is dedicated to the composer's uncle, Alfryn Jenkins, who lost his life as captain of a Lancaster bomber over Berlin in 1944.

Samples available

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For the Fallen For the Fallen

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