ACE OF TRUMPETS - Unnacompanied Brass Instrument TC, SOLOS - ANY B♭. Inst., SOLOS - ANY E♭. Inst.

ACE OF TRUMPETS - Unnacompanied Brass Instrument TC, SOLOS - ANY B♭. Inst., SOLOS - ANY E♭. Inst.
Availability Available
Published 20th December 2008
Cat No. JM49097
Price £9.25
Composer: Derek Bourgeois
Categories: SOLOS - ANY B♭. Inst., SOLOS - ANY E♭. Inst.

This one book is suitable for any Bb. or Eb instrument in treble clef.

These studies were written to provide a series of graded pieces that would be challenging, but interesting and musically satisfying to play.. The pieces were not written in any particular order, but were collated and graded according to the resulting standard that emerged from each piece as it was written. Some editing was necessary to ensure that the correct levels of difficulty were maintained.

"... collated in order of difficulty, starting from a grade 4 standard and rising to about grade 6. The studies fit well under the fingers and useful scale passages are covered during the playing. The studies are enjoyable to play and pupils will feel safe and comfortable modulating through to the related keys used in these compositions. The studies, simply numbered 1 - 20, will be of great benefit to the developing trumpet player."
Reviewed 'Music Teacher'

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