48 GREAT WINNERS for TREBLE BRASS - Unaccompanied Trumpet, Books, SOLOS - ANY B♭. Inst.

48 GREAT WINNERS for TREBLE BRASS - Unaccompanied Trumpet, Books, SOLOS - ANY B♭. Inst.
Availability Available
Published 20th December 2008
Cat No. JM49085
Price £8.25
Composer: Peter Lawrance
Categories: Books, SOLOS - ANY B♭. Inst.

A bumper collection of pieces carefully selected and arranged for players of all ages to delve into and enjoy. From popular film, show and television themes to classical, folk and Christmas titles this collection has something for everyone. It is an ideal follow on to the very popular Winners Galore and Easy Winners collections.
As the many users of these earlier series will expect, the choice of range, technique and style of music have been carefully geared to the instrument and ability range.

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