GREAT HYMNS for Cornet/ Trumpet - Piano part only, Solos

GREAT HYMNS  for Cornet/ Trumpet - Piano part only, Solos
Availability Available
Cat No. JM44566
Price £14.99
Composer / arranger: Various
Category: Solos

Contains some of the world's greatest hymns.
This version is the piano accompaniment only

1. Tuning note
2. All Creatures of Our God & King
3. Praise to the Lord, The Almighty
4. Be Thou My Vision
5. O Worship the King
6. Joyful, Joyful, We Are Thee
7. Brethern We Have Met to Worship
8. We Gather Together
9. I Sing The Mighty Power of God
10.A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
11.All Hail the Power

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