GILBERT & SULLIVAN MELODIES for Bb. CORNET - Solo with Piano, Solos

GILBERT & SULLIVAN MELODIES for Bb. CORNET - Solo with Piano, Solos
Availability Available
Cat No. JM43542
Price £11.00
Category: Solos

Click on MORE DETAILS to view some of the Solo Pages.

Includes :
1.Sorry Her Lot:
2.Poor Wandering One:
3.I Built Upon a Rock:
4.I Cannot Tell What:
5.Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes:
6.Silvered is the Raven Hair:
7.The Sun Whose Rays:
8.Were I Thy Bride:
9.In Bygone Days:
10.Prithee Pretty Maiden and True Love:
11.Love Is a Plaintive Song:
12.Oh Goddess Wise:

Samples available

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