BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY - Parts & Score, Pop Music

BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY - Parts & Score, Pop Music
Availability Available
Cat No. JM31608
Price £37.95
Composer: Freddy Mercury
Arranger: Darrol Barry

Category: Pop Music

duration - 5.53

Please click on "MORE DETAILS" to view an image (PDF) of the Solo Cornet part AND LISTEN RO AN AUDIO EXTRACT.

The pop group Queen topped the charts for nine weeks with this song which tells the sad story of a young man whose future is hopelessly doomed. He is sentenced to death having shot someone and is duly executed. The music portrays his journey through hell where he meets all kinds of devils. By the end of it he utters the pathetic conclusion that "Anywhere the wind blows - nothing really matters to me".

Samples available

Audio samples
Bohemian Rhapsody Bohemian Rhapsody

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