TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIC - Eb. Horn Solo with piano, SOLOS for E♭. Horn

TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIC - Eb. Horn Solo with piano, SOLOS for E♭. Horn
Availability Available
Published 11th February 2021
Cat No. JM105705
Price £14.95
Composer: Dan Price
Category: SOLOS for E♭. Horn

As featured by Owen Farr on the CD "A NEW DAWN"

Duration 5.19

Horn virtuoso Owen Farr commissioned a new concert item for tenor horn from composer Dan Price in 2009, Trip the Light Fantastic was the resulting work.
The piece is music absolute, with no particular aim to tell a story or impose and image or idea on the listener. For anyone who knows Owen, they will know that he has an infectious and engaging presence and a lively sense of humour. His technical and musical ability is universally renowned, as is his enthusiasm and passion for music. The composer has attempted to create a musical caricature of some of these personal qualities and has borrowed the dancing term ‘to trip the light fantastic', "to dance nimbly or lightly, or to move in a pattern to musical accompaniment" as a fitting title to encompass the virtuosic yet jovial nature of the piece.

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