TURING TEST, The - Parts & Score, TEST PIECES (Major Works), NEW & RECENT Publications

TURING TEST, The - Parts & Score, TEST PIECES (Major Works), NEW & RECENT Publications
Availability Available
Published 1st February 2019
Cat No. JM102989
Price £148.00
Composer: Simon Dobson
Categories: TEST PIECES (Major Works), NEW & RECENT Publications

Grade 6.0
Duration 19.45

Alan Turing is considered the father of modern computational science and much, if not all, of our modern computer technology and the connectivity that we now take for granted is born of the work of this one great, but troubled man. His famous test was designed to prove whether artificial intelligence (AI) could successfully imitate human thought. The single movement of The Turing Test is essentially non-programmatic, but it does seek to show something of the emotion and colour of Turing’s life in its different sections. The composer employs bi-tonality and complex rhythms to show opposing worlds colliding. At the end of each test, we must decide: has true AI been born?

The Turing Test

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