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CHERRY PINK & APPLE BLOSSOM WHITE - Trumpet solo, Piano Acc.
Available £10.75

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Arranger: John Iveson

LIOBâ EN VOYAGE - Cornet & Piano
Available £7.20

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Jean-Francois Michel

Difficulty level: 2+

Instrumentation: Cornet & Piano

Duration: 3'35

Audio samples
Available £14.10

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Alan Fernie

Difficulty = B

this edition includes:
Solopart for Bb Trumpet/Cornet
Solopart for C Trumpet
Solopart for Eb Trumpet/Cornet

Available £12.50

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Liz Jane

Programme notes
Slate, Sea and Skyfeatures a musical landscape and journey in three integrated and continuous sections, led by the cornet soloist alongside ensembles broadly representing the title's elements: ‘slate’ (flugelhorn, tenor horns and trombones); ‘sea’ (baritones, euphoniums and basses) and ‘sky’ (comets). These alternate throughout with the full band, travelling towards
and through a storm, and emerging into bright skies at the end.
The title Slate, Sea and Sky is inspired by Norman Bissell's evocative poem of the same name, found in a book of poetry given to me by a close friend, to whom the work is dedicated.
Liz Lane, 2016

Available £8.50

Categories: Books, SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Pam Wedgewood

Grades 3 - 5
Jazzin' About is a vibrant collection of original pieces in a range of contemporary styles. So take a break from the classics and get into the groove as you cruise from blues to rock to jazz.

Contains :
1. Walk Tall
2. Moonglow
3. Hot on the Line
4. Going Home
5. Are You Ready !
6. Tequila Sunrise
7. Sometime Maybe
8. Ragmuffin
CHRISTMAS MEDLEY - Bb.Cornet & Piano
Available £15.20

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Jirka Kadlec

We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Silent Night / Joy To The World / Winter Wonderland / O Holy Night / Jingle Bells

Difficulty level: 3

Instrumentation: Cornet & Piano

Duration: 8'31

Audio samples
CORNET CONCERTO - Solo & piano
Available £19.95

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Martin Ellerby

Duration 12.00

This work was commissioned by, and is dedicated to, The Triangle Brass Band of North Carolina, USA and their director of music, Tony Granados.

The first performance was given by Jens Lindemann ( cornet ) with the Triangle Brass  of North Carolina, USA and their director of music, Tony Granados. on 18th. of March 2012 in the Meymandi Concert Hall, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

The first UK performance was given by Richard Marshall 9 cornet ) with the BLack Dyke Band conducted by Nichoilas Childs on 26th. January 2014  in the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, as part of the RNCM Festival of Brass. This live performance was subsequently broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 4th. February 2014.

Martin Ellerby writes :
The work is intended to be a bright, optimistic and lyrical concerto, accessible to players and audiences alike and completes my set of five concertos designed for key chairs of a brass band : in order of writing -
Tuba ( Eb Bass )
Tenor Horn

The work falls into three contrasting movements :

01. BRILLANTE - A traditional sonata form is adopted and adapted, the two subjects being firstly a lively fanfare type figure followed by a second cantabile theme. These ideas are worked out until eventually a cadenza section is reached which is followed by a coda which, though concluding is light in dynamics.

02. ARIETTA - The emphasis is placed on legato phrases and an overall singing quality from both soloist and accompanist who share the material in lyrical partnership.

03. RONDINO - Another traditional form, rondo, is employed for the finale and here attention is turned to rhythm with contrasting changes of metre creating a restless journey towards a dynamic, and this time certain conclusion.

Available £27.20

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Jerome Naulais

4 Trumpets & Piano

Final Curtain / My Old Kentucky Home / Paso Doble Ole / Fascinating Rhythm / Movie Sequence

Difficulty: 2+

TRUMPET TUNES for an OCCASION - D.Trumpet & Organ/Piano
Available £9.50

Categories: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano, Michael Bennett Collection
Arranger: Michael Bennett

Five classic trumpet tunes for those special occasions.
Dedicated to John Gracie

Includes :

01. The Prince of Denmark's March by Jeremiah Clarke
02. Cebel by Henry Purcell
03. Rondeau by Marc-Antoine Charpentier
04. Trumpet Tune by Jeremiah Clarke
05. Trumpet Voluntary by John Stanley

During the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, trumpet tunes-pieces based on the notes of the natural harmonic series (the notes available to the valveless trumpet)-were highly popular. The origins of the genre can be traced to France, where Jean-Baptiste Lully included movement of this type in several of his operas. Trumpet tunes abound in sources of London theatre music , and while on occasions they would of been performed on trumpet, they were also routinely played by other instrumental groups.During the eighteenth century numerous trumpet voluntaries for organ, based on the notes available on the trumpet, were composed in England. 
The Prince of Denmark’s March  by Jeremiah Clarke, which was long attributed to Henry Purcell, was included in a collection of harpsichord pieces published in 1700. An earlier version for trumpets, oboes, bassoon and strings appeared in the ‘Suite de Clarke’. 
Henry Purcell’s Cibell, in the form of a gavotte, was based loosely on a chorus praising the goddess Cybele from Lully’s opera Atys (1676). The piece exists in several versions, one of which, dating from shortly after Purcell’s death, is scored for trumpet and strings. 
Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s Rondeau serves as a rousing prelude to his Te Deum in D and is by far his best known work. Uncertainty surrounds the identification of the composer of the Trumpet Tune attributed here to Jeremiah Clarke. As with The Prince of Denmark’s March, this was previously attributed to Purcell. It is found in manuscript scores of the semi-opera The Island Princess (1699), on which Clarke collaborated with Daniel Purcell, Henry’s younger brother, and Richard Leveridge. 
The Trumpet Voluntary by John Stanley is the only piece in this collection that we can be fairly certain was not written with performance on the trumpet in mind. It derives from the composer’s second collection of ten voluntaries for organ or harpsichord, published in 1751.

O HOLY NIGHT - Bb.Trumpet & Organ/Piano
Available £5.50

Categories: Michael Bennett Collection, SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: A. Adam
Arranger: Michael Bennett

This was recorded in Paisley Abbey with Michael Bennett on Trumpet and George McPhee on organ.


O holy night the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
Fall on your knees
O hear the angels' voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born
O night divine o night
O night divine
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
Fall on your knees
O hear the angels' voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born
O night divine o night
O night divine
Ooh yes it was
Ooh it is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah
It was a holy holy holy, oh oh oh

Audio samples
O Holy Night O Holy Night
Available £15.60

Categories: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano, SOLOS - E♭.Soprano Cornet
Composer: Traditional
Arranger: Alan Fernie

Parts included for :
  • Eb Cornet (Solo),
  • Bb Cornet (Solo),
  • C Trumpet (Solo)

LETTER TO MY MOTHER - Cornet & Piano
Available £8.00

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Egil Hovland
Arranger: Edward Mylechreest

Lettre à ma Mère / Brief an meine Mutter

Difficulty level: 2

Instrumentation: Cornet & Piano

Duration: 3'48

Audio samples
HARLEY QUINN'S MADNESS - Cornet Solo with Piano
Available £15.20

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Gilles Rocha

Trumpet & Piano

The Joker's Revenge

Difficulty: 4+

Duration: 5'58

Available £14.10

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Ray Woodfield

this edition includes:
Solo part for Bb Trumpet/Cornet
Solo part for C Trumpet
Solo part for Eb Trumpet/Cornet

Available £22.40

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Jerome Naulais

3 Trumpets & Piano

Franky And Johnny / La Virgen De La Macarena / Plaisir d'Amour / Radetzky March / The Last Rose Of Summer / Strike Up The Band

Difficulty: 2+

Available £13.95

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Bram Wiggins

Available £8.95

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Arrangers: David Blackadder, Alan Gout

Grade : medium to slightly difficult.

Includes :

01. Air by Rameau
02. Che Faro Senza Euridge by Glock
03. Laudate Dominum by Mozart
04. La Bouree by Praetorius
05. Endless Pleaseure by Handel
06. La Paix by Handel
07. Esurientes Implevit Bonis
08. Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera by Vivaldi
09. Hark the Echoing Aire by Purcell
Available £15.60

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Jules Massenet
Arranger: Alan Fernie

For trumpet (or euphonium) & piano

Difficulty: B / C

This publisher rates difficulty as follows:

A = very easy
B = easy
C = medium
D = difficult
E = very difficult
CONCERTINO for Trumpet and Piano
Available £9.95

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Albrechtsberger
Arrangers: John Wallace, Simon Wright

SPIKE MILLIGAN - Trumpet and Piano
Available £9.50

Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Composer: Robert Ramskill

Grade - Easy to Medium
Note range low B to G above the stave - 13th.

Contains eight pieces for trumpet and piano inspired by poems written by Spike Milligan.
Ia a concert setting, the appropriate poem could be read aloud to preceed and enhance the musical sound picture.

Contains :
01. On the Ning Nag Nong
02. Bump !
03. I Must Go Down to the Sea Again
04. Granny
05. Jumbo Jet
06. So fair is She
07. Down the Stream All the Swans Glide
08. In the Land of the Bumbley Boo
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