TEST PIECES (Major Works)

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Available £125.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Tom Davoren

Philip Morris, chairman of the Music Panel of Kapitol Promotions has selected composers to write testpieces for sections one to four who are going to self publish and sell directly to bands.
He also has stated that this arrangement will be for this year only, and that next year test pieces will again be available through the normal channels.
This means that bands will only be able to buy the testpieces directly from the composers of sections one to four - please go directly to their website.

This work has been set as the First Section Test Piece for the 2020 Regional Brass Band Championships.
(01) SAGA of HAAKON the GOOD, The - Score Only
Available £25.75

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Philip Sparke

(01) TRITTICO - Parts & Score
Available £90.00

Composer: James Curnow
Difficulty level: Championship, First

Used as the First Section Test Piece for 2022 National Finals of the British Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

Previousley set as a Championship Section testpiece.

"Trittico was commissioned by the Swiss Brass Band Association for their national championships in 1988.

A trittico is a tripych or group of three paintings or musical compositions based on a common theme and presented or performed together. The present work is a set of three extended variations on the American shaped-note hymn Consolation.

The work opens in grand style with motives based on intervals of the hymn tune. The opening motif, and smaller fragments of it reappear throughout the piece and serve as an underlying element alongside the theme itself.

The first variation is essentially a scherzo which echoes the minor mood of the theme. The hemiolic opposition of compound and duple time is used to good effect and, again, the main motif is never far away. This is music with energy and forward movement.

The second variation gives the soloists a chance to shine. The mood is tranquil, yet there is always some activity and the musical material pre-echoes the third variation.

The third variation is another scherzo-like section, the main theme accompanied by a rhythmic ostinato. Toward the conclusion there is a short aeleatoric passage – a variation within a variation allowing half the band to make their own variaitions in a cachophony of sound. An energetic coda draws together several elements to round off a work brim full of drive, energy, and self-propelled enthusiasm."
(01) TRITTICO - Score only
Available £40.00

Composer: James Curnow
Difficulty level: Championship
This is the First Section Test Piece for 2022 National Finals of the British Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

"Trittico was commissioned by the Swiss Brass Band Association for their national championships in 1988.

A trittico is a tripych or group of three paintings or musical compositions based on a common theme and presented or performed together. The present work is a set of three extended variations on the American shaped-note hymn Consolation.

The work opens in grand style with motives based on intervals of the hymn tune. The opening motif, and smaller fragments of it reappear throughout the piece and serve as an underlying element alongside the theme itself.

The first variation is essentially a scherzo which echoes the minor mood of the theme. The hemiolic opposition of compound and duple time is used to good effect and, again, the main motif is never far away. This is music with energy and forward movement.

The second variation gives the soloists a chance to shine. The mood is tranquil, yet there is always some activity and the musical material pre-echoes the third variation.

The third variation is another scherzo-like section, the main theme accompanied by a rhythmic ostinato. Toward the conclusion there is a short aeleatoric passage – a variation within a variation allowing half the band to make their own variaitions in a cachophony of sound. An energetic coda draws together several elements to round off a work brim full of drive, energy, and self-propelled enthusiasm."
(02) FRIENDLY TAKEOVER - Parts & Score
Available £104.99

Categories: TEST PIECES (Major Works), 2025 Regional Test Pieces
Composer: Oliver Waespi

Duration 9.26
Grade 3.0

Friendly Takeover
was composed for the 2016 Swiss Wind Band Convention in Montreux. In this three movement piece the composer experiments with lyrical motives combined with rhythmical pulses in different meters throughout the piece. In the finale, the musical scene is taken over completely by groove-based rhythms. This takeover, however, is of a friendly nature, as the various beats are not being conceived as rivals of the lyrical motives, but are rather supposed to infuse energy and vitality to the latter. Thus, one gets the impression of an ongoing acceleration throughout the piece. 

Friendly Takeover

(02) FRIENDLY TAKEOVER - Score only
Available £22.99

Categories: 2025 Regional Test Pieces, TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Oliver Waespi

Duration 9.26
Grade 3.0

Friendly Takeover
was composed for the 2016 Swiss Wind Band Convention in Montreux. In this three movement piece the composer experiments with lyrical motives combined with rhythmical pulses in different meters throughout the piece. In the finale, the musical scene is taken over completely by groove-based rhythms. This takeover, however, is of a friendly nature, as the various beats are not being conceived as rivals of the lyrical motives, but are rather supposed to infuse energy and vitality to the latter. Thus, one gets the impression of an ongoing acceleration throughout the piece. 
(02) LIONS OF LEGENDS - Parts & Score
Available £118.99

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Thierry Deleruyelle

Grade 4.0
Duration 11.45

Set as the Second Section Test Piece for the 2020 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

Ever since antiquity, mankind has been fascinated by the lion. It symbolises courage, strength and temperance. Its famous roar has led to numerous legends. From people and their rulers, to cities and their nations, many have made use of the lion to represent themselves in symbols and emblems.
This work was originally commissioned by Eurofestival 2016, whose members, similar to these lions, created legends by organizing the first European Brass Band Championships in France (Lille), under the auspices of the EBBA (European Brass Band Association) and the French musical confederation (CMF).
In five movements the composer describes both the history of the lion throughout centuries, as well as the characteristics.
1. The King of the Animals
“The lion’s mane gives it a similar appearance to the sun, which looks like the ‘King of the Stars’. This is how it originally came to be named ‘The King of the Animals’. It is the largest African carnivore and stands at the top of the food chain. People are its only predator”. (A dynamic introduction that lets us hear the presentation of the motif: E-F-D is played, before leading the way to a more melodic and softer passage).
2. Claws and Roaring
“Lions live in herds, for social ties and communicate with each other. They each have their own role, unlike most other big cats, which live more solitary lives. They grumble, growl and hiss but above all they roar and their claws are merciless”. (The character of the piece becomes more threatening during a long cadenza for solo cornet, this time mirroring the motif. We can hear the claws of the lion played by the Guiro. The roar of the lion can be played by either the percussion, an audio sample or the kettledrums. We then hear a mirrored version of the main theme).
3. The Buffalo Hunt
“It is still dark, the sun begins to rise. The lions detect their prey and their pulses race as they await the right time to attack. From antelopes to buffalos, the herd is in need of meat to survive. This is generally entrusted to the lionesses, as they are faster and more agile. The lions chase slower prey but also ensure the safety of the herd by tackling intruders and other threats on their territory”. (The character becomes warlike; we hear the heartbeat of the lions, played by the bass drum and the bass parts. The attack then takes place at a tempo that keeps increasing and with ensemble effects that highlight the agility of the musicians).
4. Emblems and Crests
“Mankind has such a fascination with the lion that there are numerous crests and blazons of cities and countries in different forms – langued, armed etc. – in countries such as England, France, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Scotland, Sweden, India, Bulgaria, Armenia, Italy, Spain, Ireland and more”. (The music becomes more serene thanks to the chorale played in a slow tempo. Before the great tutti, we hear the soloists that are featured separately.
5. King of Kings
“There have been numerous ‘Legends of Lions’, for instance. Yvain, the Knight of the Lion in the legend of King Arthur, the Chinese imperial guardian lions and the Nemean lion in Greek mythology. History has also known other famous lions such as the Lion of Flanders and Richard the Lionheart”. (The work finishes with a fast coda, which picks up the introduction and finishes with an explosive ending).


(02) LIONS OF LEGENDS - Score only
Available £17.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Thierry Deleruyelle

Grade 4.0
Duration 11.45

Set as the Second Section Test Piece for the 2020 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

This work was commissioned by Eurofestival. Ever since antiquity, mankind has been fascinated by the lion: symbolising courage, strength and temperance. Many have made use of the lion to represent themselves in symbols and emblems. In five movements the composer describes both the history of the lion throughout centuries, as well as the characteristics. A challenging idea to turn into music! The final movement ‘King of Kings’ is extremely spectacular. A great choice for thematic concerts or as a main piece in your concert or contest.

(02) PILGRIMS PROGRESS, The - Parts & Score
Available £64.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Rodney Newton

This is the SECOND SECTION Test Piece for the 2023 Regional British Brass Band Championships

Duration 14.00

Drawing inspiration from John Bunyan's Christian allegory, 'The Pilgrim's Progress' and Eric Ball's setting of Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Hymn', Rodney Newton has expertly crafted a set of variations, each outlining a chapter in the Pilgrim's journey to the Celestial City.
The work was written in 2003 (Eric Ball's centenary year) for Bandmaster Stephen Cobb and The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army to whom it is dedicated. 

Available £29.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Rodney Newton

This is the SECOND SECTION Test Piece for the 2023 Regional British Brass Band Championships

Duration 14.00

Drawing inspiration from John Bunyan's Christian allegory, 'The Pilgrim's Progress' and Eric Ball's setting of Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Hymn', Rodney Newton has expertly crafted a set of variations, each outlining a chapter in the Pilgrim's journey to the Celestial City.
The work was written in 2003 (Eric Ball's centenary year) for Bandmaster Stephen Cobb and The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army to whom it is dedicated. 

Available Please contact us for price

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Kit Turnbull

Philip Morris, chairman of the Music Panel of Kapitol Promotions has selected composers to write testpieces for sections one to four who are going to self publish and sell directly to bands.
He also has stated that this arrangement will be for this year only, and that next year test pieces will again be available through the normal channels.
This means that bands will only be able to buy the testpieces directly from the composers of sections one to four - please go directly to their website.

This work has been set as the Second Section Test Piece for the 2020 Regional Brass Band Championships.

(03) CHORALE AND TOCCATA - Parts & Score
Available £96.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Stephen Bulla

This is the THIRD SECTION Test Piece for the 2023 Regional British Brass Band Championships

Previously set as a third section testpiece.

This original composition follows the classical form of a slow introductory chorale movement and a technically challenging toccata. Originally, a chorale (or hymn) was meant to be sung by a choir and a toccata to be performed as a virtuoso work for pipe organ. However, these forms have been adapted through the centuries and presently suit the format of this work written for the modem brass band.

The prograthmatic ideas in the music are based on a Palestrina (1524-1594) chorale known as “Victory”. The
words as they are now sung include these lines:

The strife is O’er, the battle done;
The victory of life is won;
The song of thmph has begun.
(03) CHORALE AND TOCCATA - Score only
Available £25.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Stephen Bulla

This is the THIRD SECTION Test Piece for the 2023 Regional British Brass Band Championships

Duration: 09:02

Available £65.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Andrew Baker

This work has been set as the Third Section Test Piece for the 2020 Regional Brass Band Championships.

Endurance takes its title from the ship used by Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition in 1914-15. After many months of fundraising (and reputedly running the above advert in The Times) the Endurance set sail from Plymouth on 6 August 1914. Whilst at sea news of the outbreak of war led Shackleton to put his ship and crew at the disposal of the Admiralty, but their services were not required and they were encouraged to continue. On October 26 1914 they left Grytviken on South Georgia for the Antarctic continent, hoping to find the pack ice shrinking in the Antarctic spring. Two days later, however, they encountered unseasonable ice which slowed their progress considerably. On 15 January 1915, when Endurance was only 200 miles from her intended landfall at Vahsel Bay, the ship became beset by ice which had been compressed against the land to the south by gale force winds. Trapped in the ice of the Weddell Sea, the ship spent the Antarctic winter driven by the weather further from her intended destination until, on 21 November 1915 Endurance broke up forcing the crew to abandon ship and set up camp on the ice at a site they named “Patience Camp”.

The crew spent several weeks on the ice. As the southern spring started to reduce the extent of the ice shelf they took to their three lifeboats, sailing across the open ocean to reach the desolate and uninhabited Elephant Island. There they used two of the boats to build a makeshift shelter while Shackleton and five others took the largest boat, an open lifeboat named the ‘James Caird’ and sailed it for 800 terrifyingly dangerous miles across the vast and lonely Southern Atlantic to South Georgia – a journey now widely regarded as one of the greatest and most heroic small-boat journeys ever undertaken. After landing on the wrong side of the island and having to climb over a mountain range in the dark with no map, Shackleton and his companions finally stumbled back into the Grytviken whaling station on 19 May 1916.

After resting very briefly to recover his strength, Shackleton then began a relentless campaign to beg or borrow a ship to rescue the rest of his crew from Elephant Island; whaling ships were not strong enough to enter polar ice, but on 30 August 1916, over two years after their departure from Plymouth, Shackleton finally returned to Elephant Island aboard a steam tug borrowed from the Chilean government. Although some were in poor health, every member of the Endurance crew was rescued and returned home alive.

(03) FACETS OF GLASS - Parts & Score
Available £75.00

Categories: 2022 REGIONAL TEST PIECES, TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Gordon Langford

Duration 14.00

Set as the Third Section test piece for the 2022 Regional Championships of the British Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.
In stock and available for immediate delivery - please note that this a new edition prepared especially for the 2022 Regionals.

Please note that there is a REVISED TIMPANI part now available for this work, and all competing bands are asked to download this part and use in all performances.
This REVISED TIMPANI PART corrects all missing accidentals, and cues in the Glockenspiel and Tubular Bells parts - which bands will find useful if they only have two percussion players.

Previously set as a 2nd. section testpiece - Duration 10.14

The works consists of four contrasting movements movements :

01. Prelude - Fusion ( Andante Moderato )
02. Scherzo - Celebration ( Presto )
03. Meditation - Lathom Park Chapel ( Andante Religioso )
04. Finale - Visions ( Allegretto con Spirito )
(03) FACETS OF GLASS - Score only
Available £29.95

Categories: 2022 REGIONAL TEST PIECES, TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Gordon Langford

Duration 14.00

Set as the Third Section test piece for the 2022 Regional Championships of the British Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.
In stock and available for immediate delivery - please note that this a new edition prepared especially for the 2022 Regionals.

The publisher describes the difficulty of this work as "Medium Difficulty"

The works consists of four contrasting movements movements :

01. Prelude - Fusion ( Andante Moderato )
02. Scherzo - Celebration ( Presto )
03. Meditation - Lathom Park Chapel ( Andante Religioso )
04. Finale - Visions ( Allegretto con Spirito )
(03) HENRY THE FIFTH - Parts & Score
Available £69.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Ralph Vaughan Williams
Arranger: Roy Douglas

Set as the Third Section Test Piece for the 2018 Butlins Mineworkers Brass Band Contest.

Set as the 4th. Section Test Piece for the 2011 National Finals.

Click on MORE DETAILS to view the Solo Cornet part.
(03) KALEIDOSCOPE  - Score only
Available £20.50

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Philip Sparke

Set as the Third Section Test Piece for the 2020 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

Kaleidoscope is a set of five variations of on the ‘Brugger Lied’ (Brugg Song) which is the traditional song of the town of Brugg. The lyrics tell of the geography, people and traditions of this charming and historic town, which is situated in the north of Switzerland, near to the German border, about halfway between Basel and Zurich.Each variation is based on tiny extracts of the theme, the whole piece therefore resembling the effect of a kaleidoscope, which juxtaposes small fragments of colour in a constantly changing pattern.
(03) SINFONIETTA for BRASS BAND - Parts & Score
Available £60.00

Composer / arranger: J. Horovitz

This is the Third Section Test Piece for 2022 National Finals of the British Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

Written in 1970
Duration 11.00 Minutes
Used as a second section testpiece.
Movements 2 & 3 set as Pontin's Youth Festival "A" Section Testpiece 2007.

Sinfonietta was written in 1970, published the following year, and used as test piece for the National Brass Band Championships in 1972. It was his first work for Brass Band, and he later rescored it for orchestra: 'legitimate orchestra' as he called it. The first movement, Allegro, is in sonata form, though the second subject is an emerging variant form of the first.

The second movement, Lento moderato, is based on a hymn-tune, which Horovitz says he heard in a dream. The morning after, he looked in various hymn-books to see what it might be, couldn't find it, and came to the conclusion that he must have composed it himself! Its principal interest is harmonic, and it exploits the sustaining quality of the lower instruments of the band.

The finale, A Con brio, is a rondo on a rather cheeky theme, which is always treated in its basic triads.

The work has become a popular classic with bands and audiences alike.
(03) SINFONIETTA for BRASS BAND - Score only
Available £30.00

Composer / arranger: J. Horovitz

This is the Third Section Test Piece for 2022 National Finals of the British Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

Movements 2 & 3 set as Pontin's Youth Festival "A" Section Testpiece 2007.
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