Category: SOLOS - Baritone Composer / arranger: Roy Newsome
You can view the Solo Baritone part as a PDF image of this work on your computer, by clicking on the "MORE DETAILS" button on the right - this will the PDF image for you to sample.
Category: SOLOS - E♭. Bass Arranger: John Fletcher
This is the Treble Clef version of SOLOS for TUBA
Includes :
1.The Policeman's Song 2.Scantus 3.When Britain Really Ruled the Waves 4.Der Lindenbaum 5.Hey-Ho Come to the Fair 6.Oh, is there not one Maiden Breast 7.Variations on a Temperence Theme
Includes : Amazing Grace; Fairest Lord Jesus. Holy;Holy;Holy; Imortal;Invisable; A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; Onward Christian Soldiers; Book Only - 9.95; Book & Cassette Package - 14.95
Category: SOLOS - Euphonium Composer: Joseph Hector Fiocco Composer / arranger: R. Childs
Solo for Euphonium.
Fiocco (1703–41) was the most famous member of a family of Belgian musicians. As well as being a church musician, Joseph was a violin maker, professor of Latin and Greek, and a distinguished harpsichord player. His famous allegro, originally written for harpsichord, lies well for the euphonium. It requires a steady tempo throughout its compass and dynamic range, and is ideal for improving technique and stamina. The lyrical arioso demands well-shaped phrases and fine breath control.