TEST PIECES (Major Works)

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RIENZI (Overture to the Opera) - Parts & Score
Available £69.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Richard Wagner
Arranger: Howard Lorriman

Set as the Championship Section testpiece for the 2005 Regional Championships.

Short mp3 audio extracts and an image of the Solo Cornet part are provided here to give you a sample of each section of the work.
Access them by clicking on the "MORE DETAILS" button.
You can buy the full recording of this work on the CD section of our site.

Rienzi was Wagner's third opera, completed when he was 27.
The overture was the last section to be written and features a number of themes from the opera including the opening trumpet call, taken from Act 3. After a somewhat sinister Introduction ( mp3 extract 1 ), the mood changes to one of optimism, with an expansive and memorable melody played, in this transcription, by the horns. Tension returns as trombones and cornets do battle with each other before the earlier melody returns on full band ( mp3 extract 2 ), with tricky embellishments in cornets & euphoniums.

It later emerges as the first part of the 2nd. subject group in the Exposition, which begins as the music goes into a quicker tempo, marked "Allegro energico" ( mp3 extract 3 ).
The music now arrives in the dominant key for the 2nd. subject, and the melody from the Introduction is now played as a cornet solo ( mp3 extract 4 ).

The Development section calls for stamina and a good technique from the whole band. A brief reference to the Introduction leads to a fairly conventional Recapitulation. A fast and furious Coda ( mp3 extract 5 ) referring to a number of earlier ideas brings the Overture to an exhilarating conclusion.

The recording is REGIONALS 2005 on Doyen DOY CD181
PDF sample scores
Audio samples
Rienzi 1 Rienzi 1
Rienzi 2 Rienzi 2
Rienzi 3 Rienzi 3
Rienzi 4 Rienzi 4
Rienzi 5 Rienzi 5
Available £40.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Richard Wagner
Arranger: Haydn Johns

Set as one of three Championship Section test pieces for the 2019 Butlins Mineworkers Contest.
RIFFS & INTERLUDES - Parts & Score
Available £135.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen

Riffs and Interludes
was written in Autumn, 1997 and commissioned by the Stavanger Brass Band with support from Norsk KuIturrd for the 1998 Norwegian Brass Band Championship. This is a perfect contest piece for Brass Bands in the top level. The composer says: "Riffs and Interludes is a book of memories from the time as a band musician. Riffs, tunes and sounds which has influenced my own music-writing."
1. "ABa funk - from Heaton to T.O.P.x.
The first movement is very rythmic and energic. You will may recognize a motif from Wilfred Heaton’s Contest Music, camuflated in rythmical funky patterns.

2. Songs from a singing Mountain (Lento ma poco rubato)
The songs are short and simple, sometimes only a few notes. The mountain is massive and consists of strong chords.

3. Mechanical Dance Sequence (Vivace)
Episodes from the opening bars are repeated troughout in different variations and transpositions. A short but lively coda makes a brilliant conclusion.

Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen (1964)
Aagaard-Nilsen’s production bears witness of an un-dogmatic and playful approach to composition. After having established himself in the Bergen area by the end of the I 980s, he started composing music for brass band, for which he obtained a quick success. Gradually, his contact with the contemporary music scene in Bergen resulted in commissions from the Norwegian section of ISCM, the BIT 20 Ensemble and festivals Music Factory and Autunnale.
Available £30.50

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: T.Aagaard Nilsen

Available £19.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: D. Lancaster

Features offstage groups of cornets.
RISE of the PHOENIX - Parts & Score
Available £65.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Darrol Barry

Previously set as the Second Section Test Piece for the 2011 Butlins Mineworkers Brass Band Contest.

The audio sample is performed by the Clifton and Lightcliffe Band conducted by John Clay - for whom this work was written.


Set as the Second Section  test piece for the 2019 Regional Brass Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

A three movement work :

01. Maestoso - 3.34
02. Grave - 3.41
03. Brioso -5.01

Rise of The Phoenix
Rise of the Phoenix was commissioned by The Clifton and Lightcliffe Band with funds from The National Lottery Commission. Darrol Barry had earlier written another piece in 1991 for the band following their four year sponsorship with Yorkshire Water, titled Yorkshire Water Music. Darrol’s remit this time was to compose a test piece standard piece of music which would depict the highs and lows of the band throughout its history since its formation in 1838. The music is dedicated to all the former players and conductors of Clifton and Lightcliffe Band.
As the title suggests, the Phoenix was a fabulous mythical bird, who every morning at dawn sang a song so enchanting that even the sun god Apollo would stop and listen.
The bird would live for hundreds of years and at the end of its life would build a pyre, set it on fire and be consumed by the flames. After three days the Phoenix would be reborn from the ashes to sing once more.
In much the same way since 1838 the Clifton and Lightcliffe Band has had difficulties and has been reborn to make music once more. This has only been accomplished by the dedication of its players, officials and friends.
Over the years all the Musical Directors have played a pivotal role in the band's history and this piece of music is dedicated to each and every one of them. We feel the need to mention James Nuttall, Iames Hickman, John Clay who formed the junior section which trains and provides players for the senior band and who is the current senior band conductor, and Bernard Lawson. These men have contributed so much to the ongoing future of the band and this is our way of thanking them. 
Jane L Clay, Secretary, 2007

RISE of the PHOENIX - Score Only
Available £25.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Darrol Barry

Set as the Second Section  test piece for the 2019 Regional Brass Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.


Available £24.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edrich Siebert

Available £62.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edrich Siebert

Available £60.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: James Curnow

Previously set as a Second Section Testpiece.
Available £20.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: James Curnow

Available £53.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: George Dreyfus

ROBERT LE DIABLE (Ballet Music) - Parts & Score
Available £65.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Giacomo Meyerbeer

ROBERT LE DIABLE (Ballet Music) - Score only
Available £30.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Giacomo Meyerbeer

Available £39.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: H. Geehl

Available £55.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Allan Street

Click on MORE DETAILS to view the Solo Cornet part.
Available £99.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edward Gregson
Difficulty level: Championship
Set as the testpiece for the 2008 British Open Brass Band Contest - duration 16.44

Click on MORE DETAILS to hear the assocaited audio extracts provided for this work.

If you enjoyed listening to the excerpts and want to hear the full performance, you can purchase the CD recording on this site - "WITHIN BLUE EMPIRES" with the Black Dyke Band conducted by Dr. Nicholas Childs.

The 1st Cornet is required to double on Flugel Horn in the Lament.

Percussion requirements are as follows (four players required):
Percussion 1: Snare Drum; 4 Temple Blocks; Triangle; Suspended Cymbal; Clashed Cymbals
Percussion 2: Vibraslap; Whip; Suspended Cymbal; Glockenspiel
Percussion 3: Bass Drum; Tam-Tam; Marimba; Tubular Bells

Rococo Variations is based on a quasi-Baroque theme which, although original, nevertheless conforms to earlier models in its character, both melodically and rhythmically. To this end, the dotted rhythms, which are an important component of the theme, should follow customary contemporary performance practice in veering towards being double-dotted. Although I have not written them in double dotted notation (that would have been far too fussy!), the aim should be to produce a feeling of ‘sprung-rhythm’, somewhere between dotted and double-dotted. This only applies to the opening (until fig. 1) and from fig. 46 onwards, although the dotted rhythms in the Lament could also be treated in the same way. The style of playing of the theme should also match the Baroque ‘mood’ in being played without much rubato and with a minimum of vibrato.
Although there must always be some flexibility in the interpretation of a composer’s metronome markings, there should be an expectation to keep within the boundaries of such markings. In the theme and the slower variations (i.e. the Siciliana and Lament ) it is important to keep the music flowing, with a strong sense of the tempo being ‘alive’. Any distortion of this, with the result that the music might get ‘bogged down’, would be against my intentions. In this regard it might be beneficial for conductors to note how much the interpretation of tempi and the articulation of rhythms in Baroque music have changed over the past 30 years or so (i.e. tempi have speeded up and rhythms have become more ‘pronounced’).

Rococo Variations was commissioned by the British Open Championships for their 2008 contest in
Symphony Hall, Birmingham, and co-commissioned by the Norwegian Band Federation, for their
National Championship in Bergen in 2009.
The title of the work has been used before, of course, most notably by Tchaikovsky in his work for cello and orchestra. My set of variations follows the Tchaikovskian model in that it is based on a quasi- Baroque original theme, and has certain ‘dance-like’ characteristics in the variations, but beyond that all comparisons end.
There are six variations: Toccata, Siciliana, Waltz, Moto Perpetuo, Lament, and Fugal Scherzo, followed by a triumphant re-statement of the theme. Throughout, there is considerable contrast in the music, with the fast variations being rather virtuoso in character, sometimes with constantly changing time patterns, whilst the two slow variations (Siciliana and Lament) are in turn lyrical and pensive in mood with prominent solos and duets for a number of instruments.
Although the work overall is dedicated by my brother, each of the six variations pays tribute to a different composer whose contribution to the brass band repertoire during the second half of the twentieth century has been of great significance. To this end, all six composers have their own ‘musical signature’ embraced within the particular variation, a process which reaches its zenith, contrapuntally speaking, during the final variation and reprise of the theme.
Audio samples
01 Rococo Theme 01 Rococo Theme
02 Rococo Toccata 02 Rococo Toccata
03 Rococo Siciliana 03 Rococo Siciliana
04 Rococo Waltz 04 Rococo Waltz
05 Rococo Moto Perpetuo 05 Rococo Moto Perpetuo
06 Rococo Lament 06 Rococo Lament
07 Rococo Fugal Scherzo 07 Rococo Fugal Scherzo
Available £25.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Allan Street

Available £40.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edward Gregson
Difficulty level: Championship
Set as the testpiece for the 2008 British Open Brass Band Contest.
ROI D'YS; LE - Parts & Score
Available £55.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edward Lalo
Material: Frank Wright

Previously set as a Championship Section testpiece.
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