TEST PIECES (Major Works)

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PAGEANTRY - Suite - Score only
Available £29.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Herbert Howells

Set as the CHAMPIONSHIP SECTION test piece for the 2017 British Brass Band Regional Championships.

Previously set as a Championship Section Testpiece.

Set as the first section testpiece for the 2005 finals of the Besson National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

The Suite has three movements as follows :

01. KING'S HERALD - Allegro brillante
02. CORTEGE - Lento, espressivo assai
03. JOUSTS - Con brio, ritmico

The duration is approx 12.54 - dependant upon performance interpretation.
Available £45.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Derek Broadbent

Available £40.70

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Eduard Zurwerra

Available £42.50

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: K Amos

JM42529PANTHEON - Score only

Available £15.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: K Amos

PARNASSUS - Part & Score
Available £94.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Jan Van Der Roost

Grade 4
Duration 11:40

This work has been selected as D Grade set work for the 2022 Australian Brass Band Championships.

Commissioned for the 2012 Dutch National Brass Band Championsips as the set test piece for the fourth section.

Since most of the bands competing in the 4th Section of the Dutch National Championships have many young players, this piece is stylistically youthful— especially in the opening and closing sections. An arpeggio pattern appears numerous times in all registers and is the basic musical element of the main melody, alternating with a second theme that has a slightly different melodic character. The middle section is conceived like a chorale, introduced and developed stepwise: firstly with short patterns and gradually in increasingly long snippets, until it’s played in its glorious entirety at measure 216. No real solo passages are included but rather small chamber combinations, thus offering the opportunity to various players to display their technical and performance skills. The finale recaptures musical material from the first section of the piece and provides a majestic conclusion.
Audio samples
Parnassus Parnassus
PARNASSUS - Score only
Available £16.50

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Jan Roost


PARTITA - Parts & Score
Available £44.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edward Gregson

Set as the fourth section testpiece for the 2004 Regionals.

Click on MORE DETAILS to view the Solo Cornet part.
PARTITA - Parts & Score
Available £74.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Bryan Kelly

The three movements are :

1. Rhapsodie
2. Aria
3. Capriccio

PARTITA - Parts & Score
Available £89.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Philip Sparke
Difficulty level: Championship
PARTITA - Parts & Score
Available £95.00

Composer: Wilfred Heaton
Difficulty level: Championship
Partita for brass band

In the late 1940’s. after returning from war service in the RAF, Heaton composed his first major work intended for performance by brass band outside The Salvation Army. This was a four movement Suite, comprising a short, arresting Prelude, a fleet-footed Scherzo, a lyrical Canzona and a brilliant Rondo. Heaton signed the work with the pseudonym Paul Krask and dedicated it to Eric Ball. to whom he sent the manuscript. The work has never been performed in this version or in the orchestral version completed in 1950. After the success of Contest Music in 1982, this re-casting as Pan/ta was prepared for Howard Snell and the Desford Colliery Band. The short scherzo was replaced by the modern orchestral movement, Partita is a work of symphonic scale and complexity.
Grade 6
Duration: 26 mins


John Wilfred Heaton (1918 — 2000) was a composer of refined sensibility and technical skill, the true extent of whose creative gifts has only emerged since his death in May 2000. As his many admirers suspected, the music currently in print represents just a small part of what he actually composed. The Wilfred Heaton Edition, a joint project between Kirklees Music and the Wilfred Heaton Trust, will make available the remainder of his rich legacy of finished pieces, as well as performing editions of those works lost and/or complete in sketch form. Wilfred’s life in music was underpinned by wide-ranging interests in the arts, in philosophy, and by his strong religious background and faith. Yet at times during his long life, his creative impulse was often tested and questioned .

Born in Sheffield to Salvationist parents, his musical talents were nurtured through the Salvation Army. He began piano lessons at the age of eight. Soon after that he was learning the cornet and writing music of his own. His piano teacher, Salvationist songster Mrs. Bennett, guided him to his first musical milestone, an LRAM in piano, awarded when he was eighteen. He left school to become an apprentice in a small brass instrument manufacture and repair business in Sheffield, Cooking and Pace. Apart from war service in the RAF, he remained there for over twenty years, composing whenever he could. Heaton noted on a page of his last work, the autobiographical Variations, "I got help initially from a crippled SA musician [George Marshall], who had a very sound harmonic instinct, but who stressed contrapunial studies above all; then from a local music master who initiated me into the wider world of chamber and orchestral music; and finally, a lot later [the 1950’s] Matyas Seiber, whose instruction on Bach studies was invaluable. These are three with whom I had personal contact, but along with other inspiring composers — the scores of the 18th century German giants and the 20th century masters. It was expected that Wilfred would dedicate his musical talents to the Salvation Army, and in his own words, he continued to “do a good job” for the Army throughout his life. However, what he offered for publication was not always accepted. The technical and musical complexities of his best work, while placing him firmly in the European classical mainstream, were often thought to be too radical for Salvation Army performance. Those pieces that were published, like the March Praise and the Meditation Just as I am have become Salvation Army favourites, but several more were rejected. Others, like the Toccata, eventually found their way into print many years later. In his 20's and 30's, Wilfred’s musical ambitions extended beyond the brass band. There was a Suite for orchestra, which later became a Piano Sonata and eventually the Partita for band. His Op.1 was a Rhapsody for oboe and strings. Op.2 was a suite of Three Pieces for piano. Both works received performances in London under the auspices of the Society for the Promotion of New Music. There was also a Little Suite for recorder and piano, composed in 1955 for the Sheffield-based recorder virtuoso, Philip Rogers. He also composed for chamber ensembles and voices.

In the late-1950’s, Wilfred’s life began to take a different course. He had taken up the french horn and was working as a peripatetic brass teacher, a move which in 1962 took the Heaton family to Harrogate. Much of the day-to-day work of instrument repair was left in the hands of Herbert Cooking, son of the former owner, who had worked under Wilfred’s enlightened guidance for thirteen years. When Herbert Cooking moved to the United States in 1964, the Sheffield business was closed. Wilfred played in a number of teachers’ orchestras and ensembles. He was a founding conductor of the Dales Sinfonia. He formed and conducted the local schools youth orchestra. Between 1962 and 1969 he was Musical Director of the Leeds Symphony Orchestra. In 1970 he spent some months as resident Musical Director of the Black Dyke Mills Band. However, as his professional activities increased, Heaton’s own creativity went into decline. He continued to arrange music for all the performing groups with which he was involved, but he composed very little. Another note on the score of Variations offers the explanation: ". . .all compositional ambitions were brought to a halt through my contact with Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposphical Movement. Involvement in this seemed to dry me up at a tempo. I lost the impulse to compose. Such an activity seemed unimportant compared with the spiritual impulses provided by Steiner." Most of his spare time was now dedicated to a systematic exploration of the worlds of philosophy, of letters and of spirituality. From time to time, though, he was persuaded out of this creative semi-retirement, most notably in 1973, when he completed Contest Music - the only wholly original work to be published in his life-time. In his later years Wilfred was pleased, but always appeared surprised, at the appreciative reception his music was by then receiving. He never re-gained his old fluency but he was encouraged by family and friends - notably the conductor Howard Snell - to take up his composing pen once again. After the death of his wife and his own retirement from teaching, there was a welcome "Indian summer" - two substantial concertos, two marches and his final Variations. A few weeks before he died, Heaton remarked that as a young man all he wanted to be was a composer.
"And I suppose that urge never really leaves you" he added. Wilfred Heaton once said to a colleague there would be some surprise at what would emerge from his "unregarded corner". He was quite right.

Paul Hindmarsh Editor, Wilfred Heaton Edition.
Audio samples
Partita for Band i. Prelude Partita for Band i. Prelude
Partita for Band ii. Scherzo Partita for Band ii. Scherzo
Partita for Band iii. Canzona Partita for Band iii. Canzona
Partita for Band iv. Rondo Partita for Band iv. Rondo

JM42530PARTITA - Score only

PARTITA - Score only
Available £22.50

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Edward Gregson

Set as the fourth section testpiece for the 2004 Regionals.

JM42531PARTITA - Score only

Available £32.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Bryan Kelly

JM42532PARTITA - Score only

PARTITA - Score only
Available £44.95

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Philip Sparke
Difficulty level: Championship
PARTITA for BAND - Parts & Score
Available £85.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Willfred Heaton

Duration: 25 minutes
A work in four movements :

01. Prelude
02. Scherzo
03. Canzona
04. Rondo

In 1946, following his return from war service in the RAF, Wilfred Heaton took up his composing pen after six fallow years. His first substantial original work was a Suite for brass band completed in 1947 under the pseudonym Paul Krask. In 1950, Heaton re»composecl it for full symphony orchestra, adding a new and vibrant scherzo. A few years later he used this as the basis for his most overtly ‘modern’ work, an epic Piano Sonata of Bartokian complexity and intensity.
Following the performance and publication in 1982 of Heaton's most famous work, Contest Music, the conductor Howard Snell. then Musical Director of the Desford Colliery Band, asked the composer for a new work. What turned up in 1986 was the original brass Suite and shortly after that a brand new brass version of the orchestral suite appeared, now re-titled Partita.
Partita is a symphonic tour-de-force for brass band ~ an extraordinary and confident debut as a composer of ‘long-form‘ music, that can stand comparison with works by far more established and ‘eminent’ British composers of Heatons generation. Although the music bears unmistakeable Heaton fingerprints -  fastidious craftsmanship, sharply etched rhythmic and harmonic character, its underlying emotional core - he also leant heavily on the example of William Walton, whose Symphony No.1 seems to hover over the rhetoric of the opening Prelude, wild energy of the Scherzo, the hitter-sweet lyricism and powerful climax of the Canzomz, and the wit and momentum of the final Rondo.
This edition is basecl on the composefs final manuscript. which he gave to Howard Snell. There are a number of ambiguities in the text, which have been resolved with reference to the orchestral score and the re-composition for solo piano.
Scherzo, bar lll - a D sharp has been included in the euphonium; bar 112 - a D natural on the first beat, also on euphonium.
Canzoria, bars 51 to 54 - D naturals in the E flat bass part, in line with the orchestral version‘
Rondo, bars 41 to 47 ~ the soprano comet part has been raised by a fourth throughout, as in the orchestral and piano versions; bar Zll ~ the last quaver of bar 210 has been tied over to zi quaver on 211on horns and baritones, as in the orchestral version.
Paul Hindmarsh, November 2092, revised February 2015,

PARTITA FOR BAND (Postcards from Home) - Parts & Score
Available £90.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Philip Wilby

Set as the Third  Section Test Piece for the 2014 Britsh Brass Band Regional Championships.

Dedicated to for Brian Lingley and the Rotherham Schools Brass Band
Partita for Band
Postcards from Home
Like many composers writing for brass band today, the sound and culture of banding is part of my childhood, and this short Partita seeks to commemorate those childish memories in the musical terms of today’s currency. Although the music makes the real technical demands on the players (as required by brass band test-pieces), the composition is nevertheless designed to involve rather than impress its audiences,

There are four movements:
01. Towers and Chimneys
Two pieces of contrasting music, one heraldic and one mysterious.

02. Churches: Lord of the Dance
An arrangement of the famous melody made popular in Martin Shaw’s hymn of Jesus’ life and ministry.

03. Pastorale: Sunday Afternoon
The afternoons of childhood, which seemed so long and langorous, in the days before television.

04. Coronation Day Parade
A community celebration with a brass band at the centre of the procession, and leading to a reprise of the opening fanfare music
from the first movement. 

Audio samples
01 Towers and Chimneys 01 Towers and Chimneys
PARTITA FOR BAND (Postcards from Home) - Score only
Available £40.00

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Philip Wilby

Set as the Third  Section Test Piece for the 2014 Britsh Brass Band Regional Championships.
Available Please contact us for price

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: John Golland

PASSACAGLIA for B/Band on a Theme of Brahms - Parts & Score
Available £39.70

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer / arranger: Arthur Butterworth

The 1st. Section Testpiece for the 2003 Regionals. The theme is from the last mvt. of Brahams's 4th. Symphony. The work is approx.10.30".
PASSACAGLIA for B/Band on a Theme of Brahms - Score
Available £17.20

Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Composer: Arthur Butterworth

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