
Featured in this category

There are 1086 items. Page 54 of 55 54
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: by W Rimmer

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

(1) Der Freischutz (Weber)
(2) William Tell (Rossini).
Two more full page arrangements.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Arr by J.A Greenwood

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

(1) Les Hugenots (Meyerbeer)
(2) Norma (Bellini).
Two sets suitable for contest use.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

(1) Beauties of England
(2) Beauties of Scotland
(3) Beauties of Wales
(4) Beauties of Ireland.

Four easy numbers.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: by George Hawkins

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

(1) Martha (Flotow)
(2) Rienzi (Wagner)
(3) Le Pre Aux Clercs (Herold)
(4) St. Paul (Mendelssohn).
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: byGeorge Hawkins

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

(1) Oberon (Weber)
(2) Flying Dutchman (Wagner).
Two full page arrangements.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Drake Rimmer

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

(1) Spring (Standard Instrumentation)
(2) Winter (For Four Trombones) wrote these two pieces in Fantasia for Contests.
Available £11.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: by Drake Rimmer

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart). this piece is excellent for top grade groups.

Please note that there is no full score with this work. Historically, conductors work from a cued solo cornet part.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer: P.I. Tchaikovsky
Arranger: Drake Rimmer

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

Selection Tchaikovsky.
Available £11.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Handel's Water Music arranged by Drake R

A suite of movements from Handel's Water Music

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: arranged by Drake Rimmers

National Heritage
A well arranged set of national airs.

Selection Includes
  • Let Erin Remember
  • Keel Row
  • Drink To Me Only
  • Melville Castle
  • Sweet and Low
  • Loudly Proclaim
  • Hearts of Oak
  • Kirkconnel Lea
  • Scots wha Hae
  • Hornpipe

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Don Giovanni (Mozart)

Rimmer's brilliant set of tunes from the opera.

Click on "MORE DETAILS" to view the Solo Cornet part.

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £8.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Mendelssohn's Works Arr by Drake Rimmer.

Selection of Mendelssohn's works.

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: by Drake Rimmer.

For 3 tenor trombones & 1 bass trombone. Star of the North (Meyerbeer)

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.

For 1 soprano; 1 flugel; 1 tenor trombone and 1 euphonium. Quartetto Con Brio (K. Wardle).
An unusual piece for an unusual combo.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: by Michael Kenyon

For Four Trombones. Departure/St. Antoni

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Arranger: by Drake Rimmond

For Four Basses. Rienzi; Wagner

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Peter Smalley

Flourish, Elegy & Toccata.

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £9.00

Category: Quartets
Composer / arranger: Derek Broadbent

Andante & Scherzo for Four

Please note that there is no score published with this work. Historically, a cued solo cornet part has been used to rehearse with.
Available £22.90

Category: Quartets
Composer: Beat Weber

Available £19.15

Category: Quartets
Composer: Beat Weber

There are 1086 items. Page 54 of 55 54

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