Level of Difficulty in the Solo Cornet Part :

Note Range : Middle C to C above the stave - Range - two octaves.
Division of Solo Cornet Part : This works divides the solo cornets into four parts in two groups of two.
Requirement to play SOLO or Cadenza : a significant number of solo passages for Solo Cornets 1, 2 and 3.
Frequency of repetition of highest notes : frequent Gs, As, Bs, but remarkably few top C’s at this level.
Fast Running Semi Quaver Passages : frequent fast slurred scale passages.
Fast Passages with recurring leaps : tongued and slurred arpeggio type motifs.

Other Technical/ Stylistic Requirements : ability to triple tongue, ability to play legato, ability to play staccato, abilty to play single accented notes (>), ability to play double accent notes (^). ability to play fzp.

Dynamic Range : pp to ff.

Mutes Required : Straight Mutes for Solo Cornets.

Notable requirements for other instruments in the band in this piece :
Solos for Eb. Soprano
Solos for Solo Horn
Solo for Flugel Horn
Solos for Repiano
Solo for 1st. and 2nd. Baritone
Solos for Euphonium – frequent
Solo for Eb.Bass

Percussion Requirements :

Timpani : four pedal timps required.
Percussion 1 - Tambourine, Side Drum, Triangle, Loose Cymbal, Bass Drum, Tam Tam. 4 tom toms.
Percussion 2 – Glockenspiel, suspended cymbal, xylophone, 4 tom toms ( in addition to those used in part one.), Bass Drum.
Percussion 3 – Bass Drum, wood block, tambourine, tam tam, xylophone.

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